Allergy Care

Allergies are a very common overreaction of the immune system to usually harmless substances.
When a person with an allergy comes into contact with an allergen, the allergic reaction is not immediate. The immune system gradually builds up sensitivity to the substance before overreacting.

The immune system needs time to recognize and remember the allergen. As it becomes sensitive to the substance, the immune system starts making antibodies to attack it. This process is called sensitization.


An allergic reaction causes inflammation and irritation. The signs and symptoms depend on the type of allergen. Allergic reactions may occur in the gut, skin, sinuses, airways, eyes, and nasal passages.

Dust and pollen

  • Blocked Nose
  • Itchy eyes and nose
  • Runny Nose
  • Swollen and watery eyes
  • Cough

Skin Reactions

  • Flaking
  • Itching
  • Peeling
  • Rashes